Sailing Lessons

Learning the sail is not as hard as you may think- after a weekend of lessons, you will understand and be able to execute the fundamental principles of sailing. If interested, we can provide you with a series of selected readings to complete in advance of the on-the-water lessons.

Want to learn how to sail?

Our Club offers both non-members and members the opportunity to participate in these lessons on a 19-ft. O’Day Mariner sailboat moored at Marina Del Ray in Madisonville.

  • Cost of lessons for non-members is $200 (But here is the good news- this amount can be applied to pay the required membership fee of $200 if you choose to join our Club. Subsequently, you will pay monthly dues of $50/mo.) Learn more

  • Lessons are offered on an on-demand basis consistent with your availability and that of the Club’s instructors.

  • Generally, no more than four participants are allowed for any given session.

  • 2-day lesson sessions are offered on a given weekend and consideration is given to weather. That is, a bad weather forecast may require that one day of the 2-day session may have to be delayed to the following weekend.

Interested? Send an email to indicating your interest in sailing lessons.